'Net Structure/Users/History

Computer Networking:
What Is the Internet and Where Did It Come From?
Where the Heck Is Cyberspace?

Faith in the Internet

A network of networks

How big is the World Wide Web--which runs through the Internet?

Steve Lawrence and Lee Giles (NEC Research Institute) in February 1999 found:1

What's on all those 800 million pages?1

Internet Users

How many people are "on" the Internet? Who are they?

Nobody really knows for sure.

Internet History


  1. Steve Lawrence, C. Lee Giles. "Accessibility of Information on the Web." Nature, v400: July 8, 1999 (http://www.nature.com). Results online at http://www.wwwmetrics.com and analyzed in a NY Times article.
  2. RelevantKnowledge, May 1999 survey.
  3. Graphic, Visualization, & Usability Center (Georgia Tech), October 10 through December 15, 1998 survey.
  4. Hobbes' Internet Timeline
  5. Jube Shiver, Jr. "Internet Gender Gap Closes in U.S., Study Says." L.A. Times, May 11, 2000.

Last revised: May 16, 2000 8:58 AM
Comments: jbutler@ua.edu