Potemkin Illustrations

854. ECU (7 frames) The dark hairdo of a woman fills the screen from frame edge to frame edge. Blurred with swift movement, it jerks away from the camera. (Cut to . . . )

855. ECU (5 frames) The woman is reacting violently to an intolerable revelation. Her bobbed hair lashes about her face, hiding her eyes and brow. Only her mouth is exposed, open wide to scream. (Cut to... )

856. ECU (8 frames) The woman's wildly threshing hair swirls about with blurred motion as her head again flashes toward the camera. (Cut to . . . )

857. ECU (10 frames) The woman's flying hair and distorted face fill the frame. All control is gone. She is in utter panic. (Cut to . . . )

1007. CU (From below; 6 frames) A young officer starts to swing his sabre from high above his left shoulder. (Cut to . . . )

1008. ECU (8 frames) The officer's violent grimace and upper arm fill the screen as his off-screen sabre slashes downward. (Cut to . . . )

1009. ECU (7 frames) The officer's snarling face fills the screen. (Cut to . . . )

1010. ECU (16 frames) The officer's arm swings swiftly back across his shoulder and starts down again as he shouts in murderous fury. (Cut to...)