TCF389 New Media

Interim 2000
First Web Page Assignment

Website cartoon

You may do either a demonstration page or a personal Web page. A demo page should demonstrate something or show how to do something. A personal Web page is like an online portrait or resume of yourself and your interests.
Worth 24 points. Due Wednesday, May 24th, 4:45 p.m. Place your site on the Web server (e-mail the URL to and turn it in on a floppy disk(s) at the TCF office, 484 Phifer. To be graded, your Web page must be both online and submitted on a floppy. The floppy should be formatted for a Windows machine (not a Mac--although Windows-formatted disks may be used in Macs).

For examples, see what my students at the University of Arizona did last year.

Your page must include the following components:
  1. A paragraph about yourself--interests, major, hobbies, etc.--or a demonstration of an interest or a talent of yours.
  2. At least five links.
  3. One HTML table used for layout.
  4. One HTML list.
  5. An image you've found on the Web.
  6. A photograph of yourself (probably your UA ID photo).
  7. A background color or image.
  8. Different sized fonts.
  9. "Last revised" and contact information (with a MAILTO tag).
  10. A few horizontal rules.

Grading Criteria

In grading your Web pages, I will factor in your level of prior experience with computers and Web design. What I am looking for is how well you have absorbed the lessons of the class and the effort you have put into applying them to your work.

  1. Do images display properly and links function correctly?
  2. Are there spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors?
  3. Is it well-written HTML code? That is, is the source code easy to read (and, thus, easy to edit later)?
  4. Does the page load quickly? (Are images as small as possible?)
  5. Is it functional and attractive? Does it make a strong impact?
  6. How well does the layout look on a 800x600 screen? (Would it look okay at 640x480, too?) Do the images look really horrible on a 256-color monitor?
  7. Does it use the elements presented in Joe Barta's tutorials? Does it make creative, original use of those elements?

If your page exemplifies the course's lessons in Web design and contains a satisfactory example of each required component, you will earn a C; if it implements these components in a better-than-average fashion, you will earn a B; if your site presents this material in an excellent manner, you will earn an A. Sites with unsatisfactory or missing components will earn D's or F's.

Last revised: May 19, 2000 8:36 AM
Comments: Jeremy Butler,