HTML Editors

WYSIWYG environments for creating Web pages.

WYSIWYG (pronounced "wiz-ee-wig") = "What You See Is What You Get"

Several HTML editors are available for free:
Netscape Composer (part of Communicator)
Netscape Composer
Microsoft FrontPage Express (free version of commercial FrontPage)FrontPage Express
AOLPress (free from AOL for anyone to use)

They all work basically the same, but the best regarded of all of them is Macromedia Dreamweaver. A 30-day trial version is available for free and the educational price is currently $99 (5/18/00). If you buy Dreamweaver together with Fireworks as Macromedia Studio, the price is $180.

Dreamweaver Basics

(An interactive, explanatory movie is available.)

Page Properties in Dreamweaver

The page's <TITLE> as well as background colors/images can be easily set.

  1. Choose Modify menu, then Page Properties.
  2. In the Page Properties dialog box, type in a title for the page.
  3. Optionally, you may select colors for the page background, text, links, visited links, and active links color; or you may indicate a background image.
  4. Click OK and you're done.

Dreamweaver Exercise

Create a sample Web page from scratch with Dreamweaver

  1. Start Dreamweaver and select New from the File menu.
  2. Save your page dwtest.htm and, when its finished, FTP it to your account.
  3. Set the page's <TITLE>
  4. Set a background color.
  5. Add a bit of text:
    1. Bold
    2. Italics
    3. A font other than Times
    4. Colored
    5. Centered
  6. Insert an image. (Nab one off the Web somewhere or use your scanned photos of yourself, if you have one.) Include:
    1. ALT attribute
    2. HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes.
  7. Set up a hypertext link.
  8. Create a table with colored cells.
  9. Create a numbered list.
  10. Insert a horizontal rule.

A Dreamweaver Shockwave Movie

For an interactive Shockwave movie explaining the basics of Dreamweaver, go to this page.

It's almost 500k, so it's best to use it in the computer lab and not at home.

Dreamweaver Tips

  1. Keyboard shortcuts and other tips are availble in an online, printable Quick Reference.

Last Revised: May 18, 2000 7:49 PM