Chloé in the Afternoon (1972)

First shot.

Frédéric's fantasy

View video clip.


Choe in the afternoon
Françoise Fabian (My Night at Maud's, 1969)

Choe in the afternoon
Marie-Christine Barrault (My Night at Maud's, 1969)

Choe in the afternoon
Haydée Politoff (The Collector, 1967)

Choe in the afternoon
Aurora Cornu (Claire's Knee, 1970)

Choe in the afternoon
Laurence de Monaghan (Claire's Knee, 1970)

Choe in the afternoon
Béatrice Romand (Claire's Knee, 1970)

Choe in the afternoon

"First Part"

Choe in the afternoon

Next-to-last Scene

Choe in the afternoon

Choe in the afternoon

Choe in the afternoon

Last Scene

Choe in the afternoon
Last shot.

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Original material copyright © 1994-2025 Jeremy G. Butler.
Last revised: 13 November 2019 20:40:54